Heathkit Model IP-2718

Tri-Power Supply

Calibration Procedure


·         With the power supply off, the meter pointer should be over the zero indication on the meter face.  If it is not, adjust the mechanical zero-adjust screw through the hole in the front panel at the bottom of the meter until the pointer is properly aligned.

Ancillary Equipment Required




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·         Remove all jumper wires between circuit grounds and chassis ground.


·         Remove all loads from the supply terminals.


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Front Panel Initial Conditions


(    )         Set the POWER switch to the OFF position.


(    )         Set the METER switch to the B VOLTS position.


(    )         Set the SUPPLY A control maximum counter-clockwise.


(    )         Set both SUPPLY B and A TRACKING B controls maximum counter-clockwise.


(    )         Set the MODE switch to the TRACKING position.


(    )         Set the SUPPLY A control maximum clockwise.


(    )         Set the SUPPLY B and A TRACKING B combination controls maximum clockwise.


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(    )         Connect the VTVM to the front panel OUTPUT B terminals.


(    )         Set the POWER switch to the ON position.


(    )         Adjust the SUPPLY B and A TRACKING B controls together until the VTVM reads 20 VDC.


(    )         Adjust the R216 control [vertical right side circuit board top rear] until meter reads full scale.


(    )         Set the SUPPLY B and A TRACKING B controls maximum counter-clockwise.


(    )         Set the METER switch to A VOLTS.


(    )         Connect the VTVM to the front panel OUTPUT A terminals.


(    )         Adjust the SUPPLY A control until the VTVM reads 20 VDC.


(    )         Adjust the R116 control [vertical right side circuit board top front] until meter reads full scale.


(    )         Set the MODE switch to INDEPENDENT.


(    )         Meter pointer should now indicate between 19 and 21 V on the upper scale.


(    )         Set the SUPPLY A control maximum counter-clockwise.


(    )         Set the POWER switch to the OFF position.


(    )         Disconnect the VTVM from the front panel terminals.


(    )         Calibration procedure is complete.